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Characteristics of the song

Reference: C-00335
Breton title (standardized): Mari Beg-a-raok
French title (standardized): Marie bat-de-la-goule, la commère
Author (standardized): Proux (Prosper François Marie)
Type: Verse
Language: Breton
Marie Beg araok, l’arrogante, attire tout le monde pour écouter ses commérages. Présidant ce conseil de sans-culottes, elle décrie les gens du pays.
Princesse de la paresse, comtesse de la saleté, elle cherchera, sitôt un mariage annoncé, le moyen que l’affaire tourne court.
Puis de critiquer les gens de la noce. Et à la naissance du premier enfant, de dire : – « Comment ? Il y a déjà neuf mois ».

Themes: Slander, false witness


  • Variant 1: Mari Beg Arok

    Author: [par P. Proux]
    Structure: 8c 5v 15p
  • Variant 2: Mari Beg araog

    Structure: 10c 5v 15p
  • Variant 3: Mari Beg a rog ha fri partout

    Structure: 10c 5v 15p
    Tune: Son an dançou
  • Variant 4: Mari Beg a rog a fri partout

    Structure: 10c 5v 15p
    Tune: Son an dançou
  • Variant 5: Mari Beg araog

    Structure: 11c 4v 15p
  • Variant 6: Mari Beg a roc a fri partout

    Structure: 10c 5v 15p
    Tune: Son an dançou

Published on broadsheets

  • Reference F-00246 - p. 2 - song No.2 - variant 1 of the title -
  • Reference F-00317 - 2p. - song No.2 - variants 0 (edition 3), 3 (editions 1, 2) of the title -
  • Reference F-00317 - p. 3-4 - song No.2 - variants 0 (edition 3), 3 (editions 1, 2) of the title -
  • Reference F-00381 - p. 3-4 - song No.2 - variants 3 (edition 1), 4 (editions 2, 3), 6 (edition 4) of the title -
  • Reference F-00766 - unique song of the print - variant 2 (edition 1) of the title -
  • Reference F-00767 - p. 1 - song No.1 - variant 5 of the title -
  • Reference F-01439 - p. 8-9 - song No.6 - variant 1 of the title -
  • Reference F-04347 - p. 10-11 - song No.8 - variant 1 of the title -


  • LE PIPEC Ewan - Hor Yezh.
    Position in book: 2015 - n° 284, pages 3-9 - Marie Beg-arak ha Chanson an disput entre Jean Louis ha Marivonne


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