Breton songs on popular prints
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Characteristics of the song

Reference: C-01711
Breton title (standardized): Jezuz e Breizh-Izel
French title (standardized): Jésus en Basse-Bretagne
Author (standardized): Le Moal (Yves Charles Marie)
Type: Verse
Language: Breton
Chant de Noël à la gloire de l’enfant Jésus, s’il revenait dans le monde les bas-bretons lui feraient le meilleur accueil.

Themes: Christmas songs

Details of the song

Title: Jezus en Breiz-Izel
Author: Dir-Na-Dor
Structure: 5c 4v ritournelle + diskan

Published on broadsheets

  • Reference F-01413 - unique song of the print -

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