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Characteristics of the song

Reference: C-00367
Breton title (standardized): Distro ar martolod
French title (standardized): Le retour du matelot
Author (standardized): Bocher (François Louis Auguste)
Type: Verse
Language: Breton
Voici venir le jour tant attendu ! Soleil, prenez part à mon bonheur ! Je vais revoir mon pays, les miens, mon aimée. Pendant mes voyages, j’ai vu de beaux pays mais aucun aussi plaisant que ma Bretagne. La tour de l’église, l’odeur des genêts, la chaumière de mes parents, les yeux bleus de ma douce, bientôt ma femme…

Themes: Reveries of a young man, description of the mistress ; Celebration of the Country ; Peasants, shepherds, fishermen, fishermen, seamen, maritime trade ; Military adventures, nostalgia ; Return from the army or from travelling


  • Variant 1: Son ar Martolod

    Author: Ar Yeodet
    Structure: 8c 10v (8/5/9)p
    Tune: La Paimpolaise, de Th. Botrel]
  • Variant 2: Distro ar Martolod

    Author: Ar Yeodet
    Structure: 8c 10v (longueur variable)
    Tune: Ar Bempoulezen
  • Variant 3: Son ar Martolod

    Author: Ar Yeodet
    Structure: 8c 10v (8/5/9)p

Published on broadsheets

  • Reference F-00270 - p. 7-8 - song No.4 - variant 3 (editions 1, 2) of the title -
  • Reference F-00738 - p. 7-8 - song No.3 - variant 2 of the title -
  • Reference F-03710 - p. 1-2 - song No.2 - variant 0 of the title -

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