Breton songs on popular prints
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Characteristics of the song

Reference: C-00744
Breton title (standardized): Gwerz kozh Sant Erwan
French title (standardized): Vieux chant de saint Yves
Author (standardized): Guillouzic (Laurent) ?
Composition date: 1898-05-27
Type: Verse
Language: Breton

Themes: Lives of saints


  • Variant 1: Gwerz koz Zant Ervoan [Voir C-00311]

    Structure: 52c + diskan 4v 8p
    Score available
  • Variant 2: Gwerz koz sant Ervoan

    Structure: 52c + diskan 4v 8p
    Score available

Published on broadsheets

  • Reference F-00585 - p. 1-8 - song No.1 - variant 1 of the title -
  • Reference F-01190 - unique song of the print - variant 2 (editions 1, 2) of the title -
  • Reference F-02684 - unique song of the print - variant 2 of the title -
  • Reference F-02688 - p. 11-12 - song No.6 - variant 1 (editions 1, 2) of the title -
  • Reference F-04590 - p. 10-12 - song No.6 - variant 0 of the title -


  • Others songs on broadsheets

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