Breton songs on popular prints
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Characteristics of the song

Reference: C-01094
Breton title (standardized): Anaoudegezh-vat da Vari evit trec’hioù Napoleon
French title (standardized): Reconnaissance à Marie pour les victoires de Napoléon
Author (standardized): Le Minous (Jean)
Type: Verse
Language: Breton
Gloire à Marie de nous avoir donné courage et victoire à Sébastopol, lors des guerres d’Italie qui ont ouvert la route de toutes les grandes villes (Rome, Milan…).

Themes: Napoleonic wars ; In honour of ... or in invocation to a saint

Details of the song

Title: Act ha reconnaissanç Groet enn henor da Vari, deuz tout enn oll Victorio a neus goneet Napoleon, a boes ma man voar ann Tron
Author: Yan ar Minous
Structure: 15c 4v 13p
Tune: Santes Mari mamm Doue, he pep amzer Gwerc’hes

Published on broadsheets

  • Reference F-00887 - p. 2 - song No.2 -

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