Reference: C-01307 Breton title (standardized): Katekiz Treger French title (standardized): Catéchisme du Trégor Author (standardized): Type: Prose Language: Breton Summary: Themes: Religious manuals, catechisms, collections of hymns
Variant 1: Catekis Treguer, Imprimet dre urz an Autrou ’n Escop a Guemper.
Variant 2: Catekis Treguer, Imprimet dre urz an Otrou meurbet Illustr ha Reverand Pêr-Viçant Dombidau de Crouseilhes, Escop a Guemper. Eilvet edition.
Published on broadsheets
Reference F-01062 -
unique song of the print - variants 1 (editions 2, 3), 2 (edition 1) of the title -