Breton songs on popular prints
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Characteristics of the song

Reference: C-01341
Breton title (standardized): Fañch kozh, pe Perag hag Abalamour; ha Michel Pipi, pe ar Farcer breton
French title (standardized): Le vieux François (ou le pourquoi et parce que) et Michel Pipi ou le farceur breton
Author (standardized):
Type: Prose
Language: Breton
Questions-réponses sur toutes sortes de sujets.
Blagues sous forme de devinettes.
Pronostics météorologiques.

Themes: Celebration of seasons, seasonal labours, nature ; Trivialities, news items, episodes of everyday life, society ; Departures to the army and and random selection


  • Variant 1: Fanch-Cos, pe Perac hac Abalamour; ha Michel Pipi, pe ar Farcer breton. Pronosticou tennet eus a stat al loar, hac en general eus a veur a dra all.

  • Variant 2: Fanch-Coz, pe perac hac abalamour; ha Michel Pipi, pe ar farcer breton.

Published on broadsheets

  • Reference F-01096 - unique song of the print - variants 1 (edition 1), 2 (edition 2) of the title -

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