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Characteristics of the song
Reference: C-01914
Breton title (standardized): Kloareged Kemper
French title (standardized): Les collégiens de Quimper
Author (standardized):
Type: Verse
Language: Breton
Tant que je vivrai, j’aimerai le collège Saint-Vincent. Chantons tous notre école ! J’y ai appris à aimer Dieu, la Bretagne, sa langue et ses coutumes. Qu’il est agréable d’y travailler ! Merci à mes maîtres…
Themes: Celebration of other emblematic subjects
Details of the song
Title: Gwerzig kloareged Kemper
Structure: 5c 4v (11-11-11-9)p
Published on broadsheets
Reference F-01584 -
unique song of the print -
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