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Characteristics of the song
Reference: C-04135
Breton title (standardized): Boulom-erc’hig
French title (standardized): Bonhomme de neige
Author (standardized):
Hélias (Pierre)
Composition date: 1954 nedeleg (Signed in clear)
Type: Verse
Language: Breton, French
Bonhomme de neige, pipe au bec et yeux châtaigne, chapeau sur l’oreille, bien d’aplomb quoique sans jambes. Il résiste aux boules de neige sans même saigner du nez. Mais averse aujourd’hui et fondu demain…
Themes: Celebration of seasons, seasonal labours, nature ;
Games, hunting
Details of the song
Title: Ar bolomerhig
Author: Per Helias
Structure: 5c 4v
Score available
Published on broadsheets
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