Breton songs on popular prints
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Characteristics of the song

Reference: C-04143
Breton title (standardized): Kanomp Nouel (3) (Noël vannetais : Kanamb Noel, noel noel)
French title (standardized): Chantons Noël (3) (Noël vannetais : chantons Noël, Noël, Noël)
Author (standardized):
Type: Verse
Language: Breton
Chantons Noël, Noël, Noël ! Jésus notre Sauveur est né. [Suivent des vers traduits par V. Séité, du psaume 144) : Bénissons le Seigneur, sans cesse. Vous êtes si puissant que notre esprit ne peut le comprendre…

Themes: Christmas songs


  • Variant 1: Kanom Nouel (Noel vannetais : Kanamb Noel, noel noel)

    Structure: 7c
    Score available
  • Variant 2: En Nendelec [Cannamb Noel, Noel, Noel]

    Structure: 17c + diskan
  • Variant 3: Kanom Nouel : ganet eo Jezus

    Structure: 7c
    Score available
  • Variant 4: Nouelen Berc’hed

    Structure: 12c 4v + diskan
  • Variant 5: Kannamb Noel

    Structure: 16c 2v 8p + diskan
    Score available
  • Variant 6: Kannamb Noel

    Structure: 16c 1v 11p + diskan

Published on broadsheets

  • Reference F-02925 - unique song of the print - variant 4 of the title -
  • Reference F-03417 - n° 15 - song No.16 - variant 1 of the title -
  • Reference F-03418 - song No.7 - variant 3 of the title -
  • Reference F-04266 - song No.2 - variant 0 of the title -
  • Reference F-04890 - 1 - unique song of the print - variant 5 of the title -
  • Reference F-04891 - unique song of the print - variant 6 of the title -

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