Breton songs on popular prints
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Characteristics of the song

Reference: C-04210
Breton title (standardized): Me ’m eus eur c’hazhig
French title (standardized): J’ai un petit chat
Author (standardized): Némo (Louis-Paul)
Type: Verse
Language: Breton
[Randonnée basée sur les cris d’animaux] J’ai un petit chat roux, miaou. Chien noir / waou. Poule rouge / cot cot. Canard / couac. Mouton / bê. Vache tachetée / meuh. Cheval brun / hin. Ane gris / han. [Et reprise accumulative des cris].

Themes: Lullabies, children’s songs

Details of the song

Title: Me ’m eus eur c’hazig
Author: R. Hemon
Structure: 8c
Score available

Published on broadsheets


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