Breton songs on popular prints
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Characteristics of the song

Reference: C-04470
Breton title (standardized): Kantikoù evit ar misionoù hag ar retredoù [24 pièces]
French title (standardized): Cantiques pour les missions et retraites (24 pièces)
Author (standardized):
Type: Verse
Language: Breton
Peden d’ar Spered santel araug ar Sarmon ; Peden d’ar Spered santel araug ar c’hateq’is; ar mission; Cantic canet e goered Landivisiau devez plantation ar groas (1817); Plantation ar groas; Devotion d’ar groas; Benediction ar Zacramant; Meme sujet ; Meme sujet ; Ar zilvidiguez ; Ar sepultur ; Cantic en enor d’ar verc’hes ; Peden d’ar verc’hes ; ar varn general ; Adie ar pec’her d’ar graouadurien ; Promesa a fidelité da Zoue, Conversion un danceres ; Promessaou ar vadiziand ; Santimanchou eur buguel ; Ar psalm super flumina Babylonis ; Clemou eneou ar Purgator, Ar seiz pec’het capital ; Ar gommunion general ; Action a c’hraç.

Themes: Religious manuals, catechisms, collections of hymns

Details of the song

Title: Canticou evit usach ar missionou hac ar retrejou [24 pièces]

Published on broadsheets

  • Reference F-03624 - unique song of the print -

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