Breton songs on popular prints
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Characteristics of the song

Reference: C-04987
Breton title (standardized): Sant Nicolas (Kleger)
French title (standardized): Saint Nicolas 4 (Cléguer)
Author (standardized): Guillouzic (Y.M.)
Composition date: 1898 (Indicative / Imprimatur)
Type: Verse
Language: Breton



  • Variant 1: Kanen En inour de Sant Nicolas (Cléguer)

    Author: Y.M. Guillouzic
    Structure: 7c 4v + diskan
    Tune: Damb ès Santès-Anna
  • Variant 2: Kañnen Én inour de Sant Nikolas

    Author: Y.M. Guillouzic
    Structure: 17c 4v + diskan
    Tune: Intron Santéz Anna

Published on broadsheets

  • Reference F-04082 - unique song of the print - variants 1 (edition 1), 2 (edition 2) of the title -

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