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Characteristics of the song
Reference: C-05744
Breton title (standardized): Sant Matilin, iliz Pleuñven (Miz Mae 1876)
French title (standardized): Saint Mathurin 3 (église de Pleuven, mai 1876)
Author (standardized):
Guillou (Jean-Marie)
Composition date: 1876-05-22 (Indicative / Imprimatur)
Type: Verse
Language: Breton
Details of the song
Title: Kantig en enor da sant Matilin, iliz Pleuven (Miz mae 1876)
Author: Guillou (Jean)
Structure: 9c 4v + diskan
Published on broadsheets
Reference F-04714 -
p. 42-45 - song No.11 -
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