Breton songs on popular prints
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Characteristics of the song

Reference: C-05855
Breton title (standardized): Me ’gar va Breizh
French title (standardized): J’aime ma Bretagne
Author (standardized): Moal (Francis)
Composition date: 1938 < (Mentioned in the text)
Type: Verse
Language: Breton

Themes: Celebration of the Country


  • Variant 1: Me gar va Breîz

    Author: Moal Francis
    Structure: 5c 4v
    Tune: Ar plac’h vian
  • Variant 2: Me gar va Breïz

    Author: Moal Francis
    Structure: 5c 4v
    Tune: Ar plac’h vian
  • Variant 3: Me gar va Breiz

    Author: Moal Francis
    Structure: 5c 4v
    Tune: Ar plac’h vian

Published on broadsheets

  • Reference F-04852 - song No.17 - variant 1 of the title -
  • Reference F-04853 - song No.33 - variants 2, 3 of the title -
  • Reference F-04853 - song No.37 - variants 2, 3 of the title -

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