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Reference: F-00941
Ollivier reference: 1079
Edition 1:
Publisher (standardized):
Publisher (original): (chaque p.4) : 1871. - Moulet e Montroulez, e ty J. Haslé, ru [pour Fallagries] rue [pour Stourm] a Aiguillon, 8. - 708. +
Date of publication: 1871
Broadsheet - in-8 (8 pages)
Available for consultation: - Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique, cote : GF-b3-072
- Abbaye Saint Gwenolé (Landévennec), cote : 22-1079 voir en PDF
- Bibliothèque Municipale de Quimper, cote : LK-02
Edition 2:
Publisher (standardized):
Publisher (original): (chaque p.4) : 1871. - Moulet e Montroulez, e ty J. Haslé, ru [pour Fallagries] rue [pour Stourm] a Aiguillon, 8. - 708. +
Date of publication: 1871
Broadsheet - in-8 (8 pages)
Available for consultation: Bibliothèque des Champs Libres (Rennes), cote : 1090-E-015-016
Edition 3:
Publisher (standardized):
Publisher (original): (chaque p.4) : 1871. - Moulet e Montroulez, e ty J. Haslé, ru [pour Fallagries] rue [pour Stourm] a Aiguillon, 8. - 708. +
Date of publication: 1871
Broadsheet - in-8 (8 pages)
Available for consultation: Dastum, cote : D-F-00941-3
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