Breton songs on popular prints
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Reference: F-01058


  • Edition 1:

    Publisher (standardized): LÉDAN
    Publisher (original): E Montroulez, E ty LÉDAN, Imprimer an Autrou Escop.
    Date of publication: 1833
    Format: Book - In-16 (120 pages)
    Bailloud reference: C 71a
    Available for consultation: British Library, cote : 872.d.27
  • Edition 2:

    Publisher (standardized): LÉDAN
    Publisher (original): E Montroulez, E ty LÉDAN, Imprimer an Autrou Escop.
    Date of publication: 1846
    Format: Book - In-12 (120 pages)
    Bailloud reference: C 71b
    Available for consultation:
    • Collection Bailloud Gérard, cote : BG-F-01058-2
    • British Library, cote : 3434.ccc.17 voir en PDF
  • Edition 3:

    Publisher (standardized): LÉDAN
    Publisher (original): E Montroulez, E ty LÉDAN, Imprimer-Librer, er Pave
    Date of publication: 1865
    Format: Book - In-12 (120 pages)
    Bailloud reference: C 71b
    Available for consultation: Localisation inconnue

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