Breton songs on popular prints
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Reference: F-03013


  • Edition 1:

    Publisher (standardized): KERANGAL
    Publisher (original): Kemper, moullet e ti e Kerangal
    Format: Broadsheet - 10,5x15,5 (4 pages)
    Available for consultation: Bibliothèque Municipale de Quimper, cote : FB-663-11
  • Edition 2:

    Publisher (standardized): Moullerez Ru an Dudchentil
    Publisher (original): Moullerez Bro-Gerne, Kemper. - 8055-5-46
    Format: Broadsheet (4 pages)
    Available for consultation: Bibliothèque du diocèse de Quimper et Léon, cote : 8N2-1-024 voir en PDF

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