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Characteristics of the song
Reference: C-00999
Breton title (standardized): Nouel ar c’hristen [Rolland Charles]
French title (standardized): Minuit, chrétiens [Rolland Charles]
Author (standardized):
Rolland (Charles)
Type: Verse
Language: Breton
[Traduction bretonne de « Minuit, Chrétiens »]
Themes: Feasts of the liturgical year ;
Prayers, entreaties, devotion
Details of the song
Title: Nouel ar C’hristen
Author: Roll-Diroll
Structure: 3c 9v (11/10)p alterné
Tune: Memeuz ton evel en gallek
Published on broadsheets
Reference F-00794 -
pl - song No.2 -
Reference F-01198 -
p. 1 - song No.1 -
- Others songs on broadsheets
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