Breton songs on popular prints
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Characteristics of the song

Reference: C-01571
Breton title (standardized): Eured G. Milin gant M.J. Kombot (4-11-1868)
French title (standardized): Noce de G. Milin avec M.J. Combot (4-11-1868)
Author (standardized): Le Scour (Jean-Pierre-Marie)
Type: Verse
Language: Breton
Barde Laouennanig Breizh, tu as aimé La Vierge de Rumengol, Jésus, les saints…. Et Dieu t’a accordé une femme au grand cœur, Marie. Homme de foi et de cœur défend le breton et la Bretagne contre les insensés qui annoncent sa perte.

Themes: Inaugurations, coronations, official visits

Details of the song

Title: D’ar barz Laouenan Breiz Gabriel-Iann-Mari Milin, deiz he eured gant Mari-Jann Kombot, ar 4 a viz du 1868
Author: I.-P.-M. ar Skour
Structure: 7c 4v
Tune: Kerloc’h, kousk e peoc’h

Published on broadsheets

  • Reference F-01293 - unique song of the print -

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