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Characteristics of the song
Reference: C-01723
Breton title (standardized): Kan broaduz Breizh-Izel
French title (standardized): Chant national de Basse-Bretagne (1)
Author (standardized):
Berthou (Yves)
Type: Verse
Language: Breton
Chant exaltant la puissance et la grandeur éternelles de la nation bretonne qui va vers la victoire. Chant de défense de sa langue, de ses usages, de sa foi et de son sang qui court dans les veines de toutes les nations celtes.
Themes: Celebration of the Country ;
Celebration of the Breton language, fight against / for Breton language
Details of the song
Title: Kan broaduz Breiz-Izel
Author: Erwan Berthou
Structure: 11c 3v (9-9-10)p + diskan (10-8-9)p
Tune: Pa oa potr Lez-Breiz en ti he vam + Diskan : Ha glevas-te (Ker is)
Published on broadsheets
Reference F-01425 -
unique song of the print -
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