Breton songs on popular prints
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Characteristics of the song

Reference: C-01726
Breton title (standardized): Sav Breizh Izel
French title (standardized): Debout Basse-Bretagne
Author (standardized): Le Bayon (Joseph-Marie)
Type: Verse
Language: Breton
Voici finie la nuit, le jour resplendit et la cloche sonne un Ave. Debout, Debout Bretagne, pays sans pareil, le soleil resplendit sur la terre et les oiseaux chantent pour te réveiller !
Arvor, terre sainte, je t’aime. Les enfants chantent en rassemblant les bêtes les complaintes pas encore perdues. Arvor, protège tes enfants !

Themes: Celebration of the Country


  • Variant 1: Saù! Saù ! Breiz-izél (Kan poblus er Vretoned)

    Author: Jojeb er Bayon
    Structure: 8c 2v (12-10)p
  • Variant 2: Sao, Breiz-Izel

    Author: Job er Gléan
    Structure: 5c 2v
    Score available
  • Variant 3: Ar Sau !

    Structure: 3c 2v
    Score available
    Listening MP3 score available:
  • Variant 4: Sav, Breiz-Izel

    Author: J. Le Bayon
    Structure: 5c 2v + diskan
    Score available
    Listening MP3 score available:
  • Variant 5: Sao, Breiz-Izel !

    Author: Abad Maréchal
    Structure: 4c 2v + diskan
  • Variant 6: Chetu echu an noz

    Structure: 3c
  • Variant 7: Saù, Breiz-Izel (Kan poblus er Vretoned)

    Author: Joseph Le Bayon
    Structure: 8c 2v
    Score available
  • Variant 8: Saù !

    Author: Joseph Le Bayon
    Structure: 7c 2v
    Score available
  • Variant 9: Saù, Breih Izél

    Author: J. er Bayon
    Structure: 3c 2v
    Score available
  • Variant 10: Saù, Breiz-Izel (Kan poblus er Vretoned)

    Author: Joseph Le Bayon
    Structure: 8c 2v

Published on broadsheets

  • Reference F-01359 - p. 2 - song No.1 - variant 5 of the title -
  • Reference F-01428 - unique song of the print - variant 10 of the title -
  • Reference F-01690 - song No.2 - variant 3 of the title -
  • Reference F-02073 - p. 1 - song No.1 - variant 2 of the title -
  • Reference F-02151 - p. 1 - song No.1 - variant 4 of the title -
  • Reference F-02313 - p. 8 - song No.13 - variant 6 of the title -
  • Reference F-02323 - song No.1 - variant 8 of the title -
  • Reference F-03309 - p. 5 - song No.5 - variant 9 of the title -
  • Reference F-04739 - unique song of the print - variant 2 of the title -


  • Others songs on broadsheets
    • Sav ! Plougastell ! (Ref. C-01908)
      Note: C-01908 : Pastiche du « Sav, Breizh Izel » de l’abbé le Bayon (C-01726).
    • Sav, Breizh-Izel (Ref. C-05152)
      Note: C-05152 : Chant différent de C-01726, mais démarquage du refrain.
  • Oral Tradition in breton

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