Breton songs on popular prints
Broadsheets database

General informations - Statistics


Songs: 7045
Songs-types: 5762
Tunes: 1848
Songs classified 154 themes
Abstracts available: 3551 (61.6%)
MP3 available: 222

  • Songs without variant: 5057 (87.8%)
  • Songs with variant: 705 (12.2%) - Up to 18 variants
  • Breton: 4640 (80.5%)
  • French: 855 (14.8%)
  • Breton/French: 241 (4.2%)


Broadsheets: 4835
Editions :
  • 1 edition only: 3927 (81.2%)
  • Multiple editions: 908 (18.8%) - Up to 28 editions
PDFs: 3190 sheets


767 authors composed 3119 songs (54.1%)
  • 1 single song: 433 authors (56.5%)
  • 2 songs: 112 authors (14.6%)
  • 3 songs: 54 authors (7%)
The most prolific:
  1. MOAL Francis : 140 songs
  2. MOAL Yves Marie : 121 songs
  3. ROLLAND Charles : 116 songs


449 publishers
The most prolific:
  1. LÉDAN : 831 editions
  2. LE GOFFIC [Lannion] : 466 editions
  3. KERANGAL : 322 editions
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